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Generating Isk

There is no truly safe form of generating ISK in New Eden. When you leave station, you are at risk even in the highest of high 1.0 High Sec space.

The Career Expert (CE) for each section is a leader in our corporation who is highly experienced with their related activies, and generally always online to answer questions — In-game or on Discord.


Lucian Loxform

Want to be self-funded and make all your own stuff while making a tidy profit? Become an Industrialist!

Industry takes the raw materials that others mine or buy and processes it into a finished product using blueprints. Much like in the Marketing stream, your goods can be sold at a profit.

This can provide a steady stream of income even at the lower levels and ramps up in complexity rather quickly. The higher the levels that you go the more skills are required and can be quite time consuming, but ultimately worth it as you can produce anything eventually that exists in the game from ammo to space stations.


MoonChild 4472

Ever wanted to buy and sell goods like a stockbroker and then haul them into the vast regions of space? Well then, it’s time for you to play the Market!

Watching prices and buying/selling anything in the game when and where the market is hot is a viable option. The risk is low but the only time in space will be spent in transport, traveling from hub to hub. Check out our market overview for more details.

Note: Although your routes can avoid LowSec and NullSec space entirely, just know that HiSec ganking does occur.


Lucian Loxform

Do you yearn for the reaches of space where riches lie or to gather frigid Ice in the cold of space or scoop precious and valuable Gas into your cargo hold? Then you should be a Miner!

This activity involves collecting the basic components for industry in game and selling them in bulk. It is much slower game play and is often referred to as “grinding”. A pilot needs to fit their ship for the type of material to be mined and search for asteroids, gas clouds, glacial masses and even mine moons at later skill levels.

Risk is guaranteed as NPC rats will show up to attack the player. These NPCs are often the weakest NPC combat presence in any system.

For more information, check out Koz’s Spacer Guide to Minin’.


Doctor WilyCoyote

Do you enjoy discovering hidden relics and exploring unknown space? You should be an Explorer!

One thing to note is that although there is an NPC element in Data/Relic Scanning that can be serious, Data sites generally do not have a lot of NPCS. Do not scan Ghost and Covert Sites as a new player. The real danger there lies in the hacking minigame. ships fit for this will have good buffs for the activity, but the equipment takes up precious mid-slots.

Sites can reward BPCs, filaments and even implants that can fetch a good price in the markets.

For more Information, check out exploration.


Doctor WilyCoyote

Is regular K-Space too safe with its gate travel and CONCORD security. Do you want to explore a completely unsecured “Wild West ” space finding shortcuts between vast parts of New Eden whilst also potentially making a fortune? Then become a Wormholer!

Wormholes can lead to many different places in New Eden, from HiSec to NullSec space or even to an off the map system that is not part of the jump gate network.

NPCs in these systems are tougher than some NullSec NPC’s so you must be very careful when completing combat sites.

Adventurous groups of pilots even set up stations in the wormhole systems and live there. Wormholes do close over time or if enough mass is passed through them, and this fact can make wormholes unpredictable as you can find yourself cut off and a long way from home, but there will always be a way out… if you can find it.

Mining and sites of all varieties can be found in wormholes but are usually of high quality and sell for quite a bit of ISK!

For more information, check out the wormhole section of exploration.



Missions CE: TBA

Do you enjoy following orders or helping your fellow man in noble quests scattered across the stars? Then you should… well run missions.

Missions can be accepted and completed through agents set up in the NPC stations across New Eden. Pilots can find these agents and their locations in the “The Agency ” quick button defaulted on the upper left of the screen.

The type of mission and your standings with the agent’s employers will determine the difficulty. Some low level missions do not involve NPC presence at all and may be as simple as fetch quests.

For More Information, check out Missions.

Ratting (Bounties)

Ratting/Bounties CE: TBA

Did you ever want to hunt pirates? Clean up the scum of New Eden or just generally want to shoot stuff in space? You should be a Soldier of Fortune!

This involves hunting the NPCs (or Rats) that inhabit the mining belts, combat sites, and anomalies.

These NPCs can generate a nice amount of ISK through the bounties on their heads and are paid out automatically.

As a bonus some good loot can be found in the cargo holds of the wrecks and salvage what’s left to get a little more.

On top of getting paid you will have the chance to score rare drops and salvage that can be worth millions of ISK.

For more information, check out Ratting.

Abyssal Space:


Do you feel lucky? Well do ya? Do you want an edge of your seat experience? Keep your wits about you traveling with us into the Abyss…

Sounds dangerous right? It is. Probably the most dangerous beginner activity that can be done is traveling into Abyssal Space. However, it’s very rewarding.

Filaments are used to access abyssal space. These are high risk combat sites. Once inside you cannot leave until all NPCs are dead, and they can be very hard if you’re not prepared or with a fleet (but that’s why you got us right?)

There is a cordon around the area of conflict, a fence that will vaporize you if crossed for too long. There is also a time limit to get through all three areas or it will also kill you if you run out of time.

You cannot warp out to repair. You cannot loot your wreck to mitigate loss. It is all or nothing. This is the Abyss…

However, these sites are some of the best loot drops in the game. Being able to crush these challenges is a huge bragging right and can be viewed by some pilots as a progression milestone in your journey in the complex galaxy that is New Eden.

For more info on this method, check out the Abyssal Basic Overview.

Soldier of Fortune

Faction Warfare:

Max R Zeal

Do you have the skills to be an Ace pilot? Do you enjoy the cat and mouse games to evade your opponent and then turn the tables in a dogfight? Do you have a need, a need for speed? Enlist now! Join the war effort and be the difference between victory and defeat!

Fighting for one of 4 major factions (Amarr, Caldari, Gallente and Minmitar) involves enlisting in their respective Militias via Faction Warfare. Your baseline standings with the faction must be at least neutral at 0.0 to enlist. Quests and missions through agents affiliated with your preferred faction (at ETC it is Gallente) can help to increase the base standing.

You can fleet up or fly solo, although there is safety in numbers. In your factions’ contested systems (you’ll find the map for under Faction Warfare on the NeoComm) and then essentially play King of the Hill with a timer against other pilots and fleets.

You receive loyalty points for your effort which you redeem at the nearest militia office listed for all kinds of goodies, such as blueprints and implants. A variety of items in the Loyalty Point store can be contacted to the Corp for a substantial gain via the Corp Buyback program listed in the Bulletin.

For more information: Faction Warfare Overview

Final Points

You now should have a basic understanding of the main activities that EVE has to offer, and some of the leadership in our corporation who you can connect with. There is a lot more than these examples, and there are many websites, youtube videos and wiki’s filled with all the myriad of ways that one can occupy themselves in the vastness of New Eden.

We all were where you are right now. If you have questions, just ask. Hit up anyone in corp chat or Discord — We have a culture that promotes learning and adaptability.

Fly Safe