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In Progress

This page is currently a work in progress, and will be getting a lot more information in the future!


So you want to try your hand at Wormholes. Looming holes of possible death and untold riches beckoning you from beyond? Or if you just want to try it out, well you’re in the right place.

Wormholes are :

  • Complete Systems in an unknown pocket of space
  • They can be dead ends, having only one entrance and exit or…
    • A network of wormholes that act like jump gates
  • Lucrative mining, Ratting, Relic/Data and salvage opportunities

Wormholes are not:

  • Permanent
  • Sovereign space or monitored by Concord
  • Simple — They can be easy if done right but punishing if not

Some reasons for diving into Wormholes:

  • They are equally as lucrative than mining in Null Sec and less populated
  • Plentiful content to explore and discover
  • They are strange undiscovered spaces in the vastness of New Eden

Foundational Knowledge on Startup:

  • How to use your Directional Scanner (D Scan) this is by far the most important tool you have.
  • How to use Scanner probes and basic scanning techniques
  • How to bookmark, make a safety, and make an escape route
  • How and what data sites/relic/combat sites you can handle
  • How to practice safe and plentiful mining


Some of the terminology below isn’t ubiquitous to EVE (namely, Sig, EXIT, and ENTRANCE), but are terms we use when talking about Jspace.

  • Known Space (or K-Space) — Anything with a name or a jump gate
  • Wormhole/WH (or J-Space) — Any system that you can only reach through a wormhole.
  • ENTRANCE — Wormhole that is found in a system from Reblier to Scolluser.
  • EXIT — Wormhole outside of the previously mentioned system chain that leads to a connection INSIDE that system chain..
  • Sig — Cosmic anomaly

Note: EXITs and ENTRANCEs are sometimes called CONNECTS.


System Type

The first sentence talks about the type of the wormhole.

Using the Show Info option on the WH will list one of the following:

  • This wormhole seems to lead into {important part} parts of space 👇
Dangerous UnknownC4/C5
Deadly UnknownC6
High SecurityHiSec
Low SecurityLowSec
Null SecuirtyNullSec
Triglavian SpacePochven

Note: C1 through C3 are pretty manageable with skills up to and including battlecruiser needed for a C2 or C3. C4 and C5 are scary and shouldn’t be attempted by ANY alpha account or really any of us at the moment. C6… those are for ratting with dreadnoughts. Seriously.


Indicated next is how much time the wormhole has before it collapses.

  • This wormhole has not yet begun its natural cycle of decay and should last at least another day
  • This wormhole is beginning to decay, and probably won’t last another day
  • This wormhole is reaching the end of its natural lifetime
Not yet begunMore than 24 hours
Beginning to decayBetween 4 and 24 hours
Teaching the endLess than 4 hours

Note: When the wormhole is just on the verge of collapse, where it says “dissipating into the ether” the wormhole is at its end of life and has ~15 minutes or less. It is therefore not recommended to traverse an end-of-life wormhole without some alternative method of returning back home.


Next up is how much mass can pass through the wormhole before it collapses. This will only come into play if you are jumping something bigger than a cruiser

  • This wormhole has not yet had its stability significantly disrupted by ships passing through it
  • This wormhole has had its stability reduced by ships passing through it, but not to a critical degree yet
  • This wormhole has had its stability critically disrupted by the mass of numerous ships passing through and is on the verge of collapse
Not yetOver 50%
Not in critical degreeBetween 10 - 50%
Stability critically disruptedLess than 10%


Last is the size of the ship that can pass through the wormhole.

Very large shipsAll except Titans and Supercarriers
Larger shipsUp to Battleships and Orcas
Up to medium size shipsUp to Unplated Nestors and Battlecruisers
Only the smallest shipsUp to Spec HICs, Destroyers and Frigates

Scanning And Bookmarking:

When saving the location of a wormhole, whether it is inside another wormhole or an entrance or exit, right click on the wormhole in the OVERVIEW.

This is important because this saves the exact location and will make jumping to 0m on the wormhole works the same as jumping to 0m on a jump gate.

Note: Saving the location in the scanner probe window does not always make this the case.

Naming Convention:

The format below is a suggestion — not a rule — but will help your fellow corp members if followed:

<Class of wormhole> <Frigate, if it will only allow frigates> <numerical designation.>

An example of a C3 wormhole that allows larger ships was found in the Masalle system:

C3 1

If it is the first WH scanned down then designate it 1 The second one would be designated 2 and so forth. An example of a second WH, scanned that only allowed frigates and was a C4 would be labeled as:

C4 Frigate 2

When saving a bookmark for wormholes, save in the shared folder ‘WH near Masalle’ This will save everyone time and make it available to everyone.

Empty Bookmarked WH Sites:

If you jump to a bookmark in known space that leads to nothing then please delete it from the folder. However, if you find an empty bookmark INSIDE a WH, change the name to SAFETY.

This is now only scannable by combat probes, meaning while you are at this location you can only be scanned down and targeted by Combat probes. Core probes are no longer an immediate threat.

Now that the entrance is saved, jump in the wormhole. The absolute most important part of wormhole diving is knowing the way back out. So as soon as you jump through the wormhole, look in your overview for the wormhole you just came through and save it as:

EXIT to Masalle

This prevents you from getting trapped or having to guess which wormhole leads back the way you came. If you jump away before doing this you will have to scan it back down and it’s a guessing game as to which wormhole is the exit.

Bookmarking Non-WH while in WH Space:

After you have scanned down any type of sig that is NOT a wormhole, click in the PROBE SCANNER window and click save location.

An example of this would be a Combat Site. Saving the location brings up the usual dialogue box with one big difference. It has the letter/number designation of the site and the name of the site already in the typing field.

Delete the letter/number designation and replace it with the type of site, in this example COMBAT. Leaving the full name of the site means you or whoever comes after you can look up on eve university exactly what is in that site.

An example of what would be in the text box for a combat site :

Original writing: TLZ-864 Serpentis Phi-Outpost

Saved as: COMBAT Serpentis Phi-Outpost

If it was a Relic, Data or Gas site then that would be in place of COMBAT

Note: DO NOT JUMP to a site and save from there. There are a few sites that can and will kill you before you can realign and jump out. Or you might start the spawn timer prematurely.

Bookmarking WH inside WH Space:

The same naming convention is used while bookmarking WH within wormhole space as outside.

Bookmark using the OVERVIEW panel and make sure that when jumping to the new WH that you remain 100km out. An example of naming the first WH that leads to LowSec space would be as follows.

LoSec 1

Note: ALWAYS mark your EXIT upon transversal of a wormhole. This way it is easily identifiable and provides a quick exit.

OPTIONALLY you can label the WH more specifically if you jump through, identifying the system and then jump back.You would then change the bookmark back in WH Space upon your return to:

Losec Reblier 1

Activities in WH Space:

The activities that can be launched from WH are more extensive than what is listed here but for the basics, it comes down to two things: Mining and Scanning Sites.


Mining in WH space can be very lucrative as previously mentioned a few examples of this are as follows:

  • High Sec venture mining- full hold = ~ 1 mil ISK.
  • Low Sec venture mining - full hold = ~ 3 mil ISK
  • Gas Mining - full hold = ~20-35 mil ISK or more.
    • Note: Higher end Gas can be sold for even more, but I have not personally been able to get to it as of yet. All ores that can be found in Low Sec or Null Sec space(but not Abyssal) can be found in WH space.

Scanning Sites:

In a C1-C3 Combat Sites can be scanned down and will produce up to 3 waves of 5-8 mobs. This can result in loot that sells around 400k for each kill.

Data and Relic sites are also profitable but random. A good analog is loot boxes. These can contain anything from 1 ISK to 100 mil worth of items.

Salvage is a profitable stream for this activity as well. This can be an additional 10% of your kill’s loot.

Final Tips:

If you are jumping from our chain and find a high-sec exit that is closest to a trade hub, immediately tell Corp chat. This can save a lot of time. WH’s have had exits that have led to Perimeter, turning a 15 jump route to a 4 jump route.

As always you can message Doctor WilyCoyote with any questions as he is our Career Expert and would be happy to help in game. Please express interest to Doc or the corp if this is a direction you would like to try.

Fly Safe